We are accepting orders but we regret to inform our valued customers that our online store is presently closed. If are are interested in purchasing anything please message us on our Facebook page or simply email us at ron@boosparanormal.com. We custom build all equipment upon receiving an order and the store is closed so we do not get back logged with orders.  This allows us to maintain excellent service. 


"Why go to a company who is going to over charge because of a name, when you can buy local. It's hand made and the price is cheaper . Think about it, Buy local with creators , those who know their trade and are wanting to help and support and not just make a buck off you , but care ! Think , what would you rather do ? Support local and hand crafted piece from someone you can go to if there was ever an issue? OR, go some where, because of a name brand, who does not have times available and think , they know more then you . Think outside the box and buy local ! BOO'S Paranormal equipment . Right gear at the Right price ! designed for you" - Ed Odell, Host of The Orion Effect Podcast


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